announcement places that should comply
The first batch of announcement places that should comply places
The second batch of announcement places that should comply places
universities and colleges 0
Library 0
museums and art galleries 0
medical institutions 0
social welfare institutions 0
offices of government agencies 0
railway station 0
civil airport 0
MRT stations 0
business premises of financial institutions 0
performance halls 0
exhibition rooms 0
Cinema 0
Audiovisual singing industry venue 0
shopping malls 0
sports and fitness places 0

::: Learn and improve indoor air quality

總揮發性有機化合物TVOC 甲醛HCHO 臭氧O3 二氧化碳CO2 灰塵PM2.5 真菌Fungi細菌Bacteria
總揮發性有機化合物TVOC 甲醛HCHO 臭氧O3 二氧化碳CO2 灰塵PM2.5 真菌Fungi細菌Bacteria
Total volatile organic compounds
Pollution Sources: Combustion substances such as coal and natural gas, smoke from smoking, heating and cooking, construction and decoration materials, furniture, household appliances, emissions from furniture, detergent and the human body.
Health effects: Causes imbalance of immune system, affects the function of central nervous system, may causes dizziness, headache, drowsiness, weakness, chest tightness and other symptoms.
Total volatile organic compounds
Pollution Sources: Combustion substances such as coal and natural gas, smoke from smoking, heating and cooking, construction and decoration materials, furniture, household appliances, emissions from furniture, detergent and the human body.
Health effects: Causes imbalance of immune system, affects the function of central nervous system, may causes dizziness, headache, drowsiness, weakness, chest tightness and other symptoms.
Pollution Sources: Paint and construction materials include blankets, insulation, wood-based products, floors finishes and other decoration materials. Bacteria spread through ventilation systems, live in the air, and thrive in humid and poorly ventilated places.
Health effects: It has an irritating effect on the skin and mucous membranes, such as the throat, eyes, and nasal passages, causing edema, inflammation, and ulceration; skin allergies may occur, and severe cases may even lead to hepatitis, pneumonia and kidney damage.
Pollution Sources: Air purifiers, printerss, fax machines, computers...etc. Bacteria spread through ventilation systems, live in the air, and thrive in humid and poorly ventilated places.
Health effects: Stimulates and damages the deep respiratory tract, can damage the central nervous system, and has a mild irritating effect on the eyes; hinders blood oxygen delivery, causing body tissue hypoxia; impairs thyroid function, calcifies bones, and can cause potential body systemic effects, Such as induced lymphocyte chromosomal aberrations.
Pollution Sources: 瓦斯、香菸、煤炭、蚊香等不完全燃燒現象。另外,汽車排放進入室內。
Health effects: 頭痛、頭暈、噁心、嘔吐、疲勞、虛弱,嚴重者視網膜出血、損害心臟及中樞系統、胎兒畸形等。
Pollution Sources: Ammonium sulfate, nitrate, other gaseous pollutants and motor vehicle exhaust, etc., in addition, printer toner is also a source of pollution. Bacteria spread through ventilation systems, live in the air, and thrive in humid and poorly ventilated places.
Health effects: Harmful to the respiratory tract, including the mouth, nose, pharynx, larynx, bronchial areas and alveolar areas. May causes shortness of breath, chest tightness, inflammation, allergies and other symptoms, leading to diseases such as night lung disease, asbestosis, anemia, infertility, etc.
Fungi , Bacteria
Pollution Sources: Fungi often attach to the surface of indoor objects, such as clothing, leather, furniture, devices, home appliances and other surfaces to grow and multiply. Bacteria spread through ventilation systems, live in the air, and thrive in humid and poorly ventilated places.
Health effects: Respiratory allergy symptoms, mild nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, severe breathing difficulties, wheezing. Once the disease occur, it’s often unhealed over years. It can cause nasal polyps, emphysema, and pulmonary heart disease over time.